Terms and Conditions


All tuitions and fees are paid on time. Members understand these fees are NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE. If members cancel classes AFTER tuition and fees are paid, no portion of such tuition so paid will be refunded or cancelled notwithstanding the subsequent absence, withdrawal, or dismissal from classes.



A late charge of $30.00 will be assessed if tuition payments are not received when due.

Mach Martial Arts (MMA) has a strict no refund policy. Members understand that their obligation to pay all fees, including tuition, is unconditional and that no portion of the fees paid will be prorated and/or refunded in the event of the member’s absence, withdrawal, or dismissal from classes.

1.  Members must submit the membership termination form AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR NEXT PAYMENT DATE to officially terminate membership. Once you submit the termination request, you agree to completely terminate your membership and forfeit any rights and entitlements to the current tuition rate. You acknowledge that this form must be submitted at least 7 days before your next payment date. If your account is charged, you will not be prorated any amount.

I hereby state my intent to enroll myself and/or my child/ren in the training program offered by Mach Martial Arts (MMA). I hereby agree to abide by all the rules, regulations, code of personal conduct, customs and ceremonies as set forth by MMA.

I certify that I am in good health and that I know of no impairment to my health that would prevent me from taking the courses and training provided by MMA. I fully understand that martial arts training requires strenuous physical activity including physical contact. I fully understand that martial art is a combat sport and I am aware of the risks involved in training in a combat sport. I agree to assume the risk of any adverse effect on my health due to participation in martial arts training, demonstrations, organized competitions and all activities. I further agree to assume the risk of personal injury resulting from participation in the courses and training provided by MMA.

In consideration of the privilege of participating in the activities of the MMA, I agree to assume all risk of personal injury while attending or participating in any activity conducted by or connected with the MMA. I fully understand that martial arts training and activities involve physical activities which could result in personal injury. I hereby waive any potential claim against the MMA which could result from participation in martial arts training and activities. I further agree to waive any such claim against anyone connected or associated with the MMA.

1.  If a student displays poor attitude, unacceptable and distracting behavior, behavior that affects the class and/or training sessions; student may be transferred to a private lesson program.
3.  As the MMA athlete and as ambassadors of the MMA Program and the sport of martial arts, MMA athletes and members are held to a high standard by the MMA, the community and the public. Responsible conduct advances the interest of the sport of martial arts, members, and the program. Conversely, irresponsible conduct by a member tarnishes the reputation of the both affected member and the MMA and undermines the positive image set by other members and athletes of the program. Discipline may be imposed for misconduct, which includes without limitation, the following examples:
a.  Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of the MMA
b.  Derogatory or offensive conduct, including without limitation insulting language, symbols, or actions about a person’s ethnic background, heritage, color, race, national origin, age, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation;
c.  Inappropriate physical, verbal, and online behaviors (such as inappropriate statements made via e-mail, text messaging or social networks);
d.  Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the MMA or promotion of an MMA event

There are no hidden costs. Below is a list of additional investments that you will come across on your Martial Arts Journey towards Black Belt and/or during your participation in the Mach Martial Arts (MMA) program.

There are testing fees to cover the expense of the belt promotion that includes student’s new belt, testing materials, MMA certificate, and registration expenses. The testing fee starts from $50 and increase as the student promote to higher level classes and training. Fees are subject to change depending on improvements of the testing procedures and our organization’s affiliations.

At orange belt, the student will need to purchase MMA approved sparring gears. The investment will include all the safety equipment necessary to ensure proper and safe training. You can view cost of gear here: https://machtkd.com/order-form/

REQUIRED SEMINARS AND CAMPS – Pricing is available upon request
Our schools provide special seminars and camps MMA students MUST graduate in order to reach certain rank and belt. These programs are provided for the benefit of our students to learn leadership skills, gain more knowledge about the Taekwondo philosophy, stay up to date on the most current rules and regulations of the sport of Taekwondo, and opportunities to become certified referee and/or test examiner.

One –on–One Training, Add-on Training Programs, Parent’s Night Out, Spring Break Camps, Summer Camps, Specialty Seminars, Birthday Parties, Specialized Training Camp, Etc. 

By participating in the Mach Martial Arts (MMA) classes, promotion tests, events, competitions, and other affiliated events, I understand that me, and/or my minor child, and/or my family might be photographed or filmed.
I hereby grant permission to MMA and its affiliates and subsidiaries to interview, photograph, and/or videotape me and/or my minor child; and/or to use and permit to use, print, and publish without payment and compensation for any purpose whatsoever including advertising, publicity, and internet purposes. The Picture, Images, Video Clips and/or Films may appear in color or black and white, may be distorted, blurred, or altered. I waive any right to inspect or approve the Pictures, Images, Video Clips and/or Films or any written copy that may be used in connection with the Pictures, Images, Video Clips and/or Films.
I release, hold harmless and waive any claims against MMA related to Pictures, Images, Video Clips and/or Films or the exercise of the rights granted herein, including claims for compensation, claims of defamation or any claims regarding rights of privacy or publicity.
This release shall also be applicable to MMA’s officers, directors, employees and agents, including without limitation the photographer and any advertising agency who may be involved in creating and disseminating the Pictures, and any newspaper, magazine or other publication in which the Pictures, Images, Video Clips and/or Films may appear.
I also understand that publication of the Pictures, Images, Video Clips and/or Films is within the sole discretion of MMA and that they may not be used at all.


Mach Martial Arts Inc. has put in place preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, Mach Martial Arts Inc. cannot guarantee that you and/or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending Mach Martial Arts Inc. could increase your risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting COVID-19.

I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending Mach Martial Arts Inc. and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by COVID-19 at Mach Martial Arts Inc. may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and/or others, including, but not limited to, Mach Martial Arts Inc. employees, volunteers, program participants, and their families.

I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my child(ren) may experience or incur in connection with my child(ren)’s attendance at Mach Martial Arts Inc. or participation in Mach Martial Arts Inc.  programming (“Claims”). On my behalf, and on behalf of my child(ren), I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless Mach Martial Arts Inc., its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of Mach Martial Arts Inc., its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any of its programs.

COVID-19 Acknowledgement and Disclosure
1. I understand that Students entering the studio will be in contact with children, families and employees who are also at risk of community exposure. I understand that no list of restrictions, guidelines or practices will remove 100% of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 as the virus can be transmitted by persons who are asymptomatic and before some people show signs of infection. I understand that I play a crucial role in keeping everyone in the facility safe and reducing the risk of exposure.

I certify that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the provisions listed herein. I acknowledge that failure to act in accordance with the provisions listed herein, or with any other policy or procedure outlined by Mach Martial Arts will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of membership without refund. I acknowledge that my membership will be terminated without refund if it is determined that my actions, or lack of action unnecessarily exposes another student, their family member, or instructor to COVID-19.

I have read the policies & given information and agree to all terms and conditions.