Mat Chat

Mat Chats are how the Master discusses the week’s topic that students learn at the beginning of each class and it will focus on students’ emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Start strong, Finish stronger!

Start strong, Finish stronger!

I feel like in order to “start strong and finish stronger” means that you believe in yourself because you can’t become better or stronger if you don’t believe in you.

It’s quite simple in essence, but it’s hard to put into action;
to truly believe in yourself without a doubt;
to be confident;
to have a certainty of who you are and what you’re doing;
to have purpose.

And why is this important anyway?

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What does FIGHT to WIN mean?

What does FIGHT to WIN mean?

Fighting to win allows us to be intentional with our heart’s deepest longings and desires because we know deep down inside that Greatness doesn’t happen by accident. 

By being intentional, we face our fears head-on because we now hold ourselves accountable. We make practicing failure a normal and routine part of our daily lives and we can accept the fact that we neither have to be perfect to reach our end goal or place our worth and identity in our performance.

Let’s practice Fighting to Win instead of trying not to lose.

Belief in Self and Others

Belief in Self and Others

What you believe becomes who you are because your thoughts affect your brain and your emotions affect your body. Your thoughts and feelings influence and impact your behavior and vice versa.

This means that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (actions) impact the way we view ourselves and our way of life and soon it becomes our identity. Therefore, what we think, feel, and put into action become our beliefs and it becomes who we are and soon it becomes our future.



Trust in ourselves and others allows us to develop a deep sense of belonging. There are some people that we meet and instantly feel that we can trust them. This is because we sense authenticity and sincerity from them. How do we instill this type of Trust in our children?

What’s in an Opportunity. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”

What’s in an Opportunity. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”

There comes a moment when we have to make that one crucial decision for ourselves; when the decision to change hurts less than the decision to remain the same. As soon as we make this ONE decision, we simultaneously gain the courage to face our fears and become the creators of our own destiny. In this, we discover that each opportunity we take hold of becomes the world we always dreamed of.


The Power of Vision

We become the emotion that we practice everyday.
This means that if we feel a sense of lack; feeling undeserving, unloveable, unworthy, and have a “I can’t do it” mentality, that is the sense of self that we subconsciously bring about into the future. If we continue to associate negative emotions of our past hurt, suffering, and problems, our bodies become comfortable with these negative emotions because that is all our bodies come to know and when this happens, we naturally gravitate towards these emotions because it’s what we are familiar with. The scary thing about what’s comfortable is that it becomes our default; the first thing we go to as soon as things get hard.
So, how do we change this? What is the Power of Vision?

How Crucial is Teamwork? How do we go From Me to We?

How Crucial is Teamwork? How do we go From Me to We?

I do not believe you can ever truly know who you are, what your purpose is, or what you truly believe, outside of your relationship with others. We are who we are because of relationships.
We are designed to live in connection.
Those around us become the mirror that we so desperately need for growth and maturation, that show the honest reflection of who we truly are, so that we can learn to love ourselves and become the best versions of ourselves.
The people we have around us is what determines what we can accomplish.
The ability to do remarkable things hinges on how well the team can pull together.