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The Topic for this week is Belief.
Belief is Trust + Faith + Confidence in something or someone.
If you believe in something, back it up with massive action
Practice hard so you can have good belief in your abilities
In the bigger picture, those small achievements build big beliefs for your future self
Build the habit of belief in yourself and you may be surprised at what you can achieve

What you believe becomes who you are because your thoughts affect your brain and your emotions affect your body. Your thoughts and feelings influence and impact your behavior and vice versa.

This means that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (actions) impact the way we view ourselves and our way of life and soon it becomes our identity. Therefore, what we think, feel, and put into action become our beliefs and it becomes who we are and soon it becomes our future.

The belief we have of ourselves (good or bad) influence us. Therefore, we must try our best to always keep track of our thoughts and feelings.

The trust, faith and confidence we have in something allows us to have tremendous amount of belief in that. Let’s be conscious of what we put our belief into; what we consider important to us. What deserves our attention and devotion?